Release Notes - Version 2.0

2.0.7 (2020-12-16)

  • If a user logs in with an email address that is not unique, the Web Portal will return an appropriate error (WEBCLIENT-358).
  • Login with email will now re-direct to the correct Web Portal if necessary, provider Registration Server version 4.5.4 or later and TDNS version 2.0.2 is use (WEBCLIENT-357).
  • Set client version to

2.0.6 (2020-10-02)

  • Login with a temporary password was not working when using an email address (WEBCLIENT-356).
  • Fixed bug: the Web GUI not going directly to the external authentication login page when AuthServiceEnabled was set to True (WEBCLIENT-355).
  • Entries separated by a newline in the ContainerHosts setting was not working correctly (WEBCLIENT-354).
  • Fixed “Array index out of bounds” error when accessing the “Build Image” settings details page.

2.0.5 (2020-09-15)

  • The “White Label” settings have been renamed to “Build Image” settings. In addition, the setting UseWhiteLabeldDockerImage has been removed and the WhiteLabelINIFileSettings setting has been rename to ClientSettings (see below).

    UseWhiteLabeldDockerImage is no longer required because all Web Portals now use the image build settings to create a new Docker image on upgrade, if necessary.

    The setting WhiteLabelIdleTimeout has been renamed to ContainerIdleTimeout and is now a “Docker Setting” (see ContainerIdleTimeout).

    The IdleContainerTimeout setting has been renamed to RemoveIdleContainerTime to better distinguish this value from ContainerIdleTimeout.

  • Added SharedIniPath and AgentCommandLineArgs. Using SharedIniPath you can specify a global path for the “teamdrive.ini” file (WEBCLIENT-350).

    WhiteLabelINIFileSettings has be rename to ClientSettings and is now a “General Setting”. Client settings that are set using the ClientSettings setting are then written to the teamdrive.ini file. If a SharedIniPath is specified, then they are read by the all TeamDrive agents, when a container starts. If not, then the client settings are written to the /etc/teamdrive.ini file, which is part of the container image.

    The AgentCommandLineArgs settings is a read-only variable that specifies the command line arguments that are passed to the TeamDrive agent when the container starts.

    See SharedIniPath, AgentCommandLineArgs and ClientSettings for details.

  • Added MaxLoginRate and MaxLoginLogAge settings. These settings are used to detect Denial of Service and other brute force attacks targeting the Web Portal login (WEBCLIENT-344). See MaxLoginRate and MaxLoginLogAge for details.

  • Error messages returned by the Web Portal are now use the translation file provided by the TeamDrive Agent.

  • Added ContainerHosts setting (see ContainerHosts). Use this to specify entries for the “/etc/hosts” file of the container (WEBCLIENT-139).

  • You can now configure a proxy during setup of the Web Portal (WEBCLIENT-338).

  • If AuthServiceEnabled is False the Web Portal now uses external authentication as required by the user, provided you are using TeamDrive Agent or later (WEBCLIENT-335).

    As before, if AuthServiceEnabled is True, then Web Portal uses a specific authentication service (as specified by AuthLoginPageURL and AuthTokenVerifyURL).

    See AuthServiceEnabled for more details.

  • Moved settings SessionTimeout, ForceHTTPSUsage and ForceHTTPSUsage to Admin Console settings group.

    Moved RegistrationEnabled and RegistrationURL to the Authentication settings group.

  • The Web Portal will now redirect to another Web Portal, if a user attempts to login to the incorrect Web Portal (WEBCLIENT-333). This is done of the provider of the user is not in the list of AllowedProviders.

    On the Registration Server of the user, you must set the WEBPORTAL_API_URL provider setting. This setting specifies the domain name of the Web Portal used by the provider. In addition, Registration Server version 4.5.4 is required. This version implements the “webportal” redirect required to implement this functionality.

    If any of these conditions is not met, then the user will get the error message: “The provider you are registered to is not enabled for this web portal”.

  • Set the minimum client Agent version to This version support the Web Portal redirect, and includes some error message improvements.

  • Setting the default distributor code, and language using the portal/login.html and extauth/login.html pages is not longer supported.

2.0.4 (2020-05-19)

  • Added Multi-Registration Server support.

  • Fixed agent download URL.

  • All documents and security relavent data stored in containers run by the web portal are now encrypted when using TeamDrive Agent version 4.7 or later.

    Encryption activates the so-called “super PIN” functionality implemented by Registration Server 4.2. When the super PIN is activated for an account the user is required to print out and save a 56-digit super PIN, and recovery URL (in the form of QR code) in a secure place.

    After activation of the super PIN functionality the user can only access their account using their password, or the super PIN, or the recovery code (which can be retrieved using the recovery URL). Changing your password is also only possible using either the super PIN or recovery code.

  • Changes made to support local encryption of inboxes. Encryption of inboxes required Registration Server version 4.2 or later, and TeamDrive Agent version 4.7 or later.

  • Added ContainerDatabases setting (WEBCLIENT-334). This setting allows you to specify an alternative path for the SQLite databases used by the containers. Normally all data is placed in the ContainerRoot directory.

    When specified the new location will be mounted in the container under the path: “/teamdrive/dbs”. However, this path will only be used if you build a new image using the TeamDrive Agent version or later.

    This version of the client supports the “–database-path” option which allows you to specify an alternative path for the SQLite database. When ContainerDatabases is set, the image build process will automatically add this option to the start parameters of the agent (see @USEDATABASEPATH in the WhiteLabelDockerfile setting).

2.0.3 (2020-04-14)

  • Changes for yvva 1.5.2 compatibility.
  • Fixed a problem removing container data, remove directory was failing when a ‘$’ was in the path name.
  • The Web Portal will now correctly use the database specified in the “” file (WEBCLIENT-296). Previously the database name was hard-coded to “webportal”.
  • Fixed: in case of an exception the temporary file created by syscall() is not be deleted (WEBCLIENT-316).
  • Fixed: HTML entities conversion problem when editing setting “WhiteLabelDockerfile” (WEBCLIENT-323).
  • When the docker image in being updated, the Web GUI will now return the error “Upgrade in progress, please try again shortly”, when the user attempts to login.
  • Added API functions to enable and disabled a container (WEBCLIENT-324).
  • Added support for “prelogin” call in order to support login changes (WEBCLIENT-327).
  • Added “sqlite-synchronous=normal” as start parameter for the agents to reduce SQLite flush frequency
  • Set client version to

2.0.2 (2019-07-26)

  • Increased MinimumAgentVersion to

2.0.1 (2019-06-11)

  • Fixed problems the on demand creation and starting of containers that have been deleted (WEBCLIENT-304).

2.0.0 (2019-04-25)


Please follow the new update process described in chapter Upgrading the TeamDrive Web Portal. The former separate GUI rpm package is not longer necessary. The standard Web Portal will update the docker Container image from the docker hub during the update step and will extract and update the files necessary for the GUI from this image. A white label Web Portal needs the white label agent .tar.gz to build a white label docker container image.

  • Initial release of Web Portal 2.0.

Upgrading from previous versions of the Web Portal

As of version 2.0.4 you must run the upgrade_now command from the console after installing a new version of the Web Portal.

This command updates the database structure and the docker image used by the Web Portal. The Admin Console may return errors, and other random errors may occur before the upgrade had been completed.

To update the database structure and docker image start yvva and execute upgrade_now;;. This command also upgrade the container image used by the Web Portal. See the chapter Upgrading the TeamDrive Web Portal for details.

Key features and changes

  • Increased MinimumAgentVersion to

  • External authentication supports both login and registration. This feature can be activated by setting AuthServiceEnabled to True. To allow registration set RegistrationEnabled to True. If no AuthLoginPageURL or RegistrationURL page is specified then the Web Portal will use the “portal pages”, provided by the Registration Server.

  • External authentication can be embedded in the TeamDrive Web GUI, or can the external authentication pages can be used directly. A new setting: UseEmbeddedLogin, must be set to True in order to use the embedded login form.

    By default, UseEmbeddedLogin is set to False if you upgrade from a previous version of the Web Portal that was using external authentication. Otherwise, the default is True. This is to ensure backwards compatibility, with previous versions that only supported the non-embedded form.

    Accessing the Web Portal domain, for example:, will automatically present the login in the embedded or non-embedded form, as specified by UseEmbeddedLogin.

  • You can now use “explicit” links to the login page in order to set the default provider code and language, for the login or registration.

    For the non-embedded login form use the following explicit link:

    and for the embedded login form use the following explicit link:

    where CODE is the provider code, and LG is the language code, for example en or de.

    Note that the external authentication service must be able to handle the specified provider code and language.

Administration Console

  • Added a Container list page, which can be used to search for containers of a particular user and type. The container details page allows you to stop, start and delete containers.

    Note that deleting a container will remove all the container data as well. This means that Web Portal users will find all spaces deactivated on next login. If the user looses his password he will also loose access to his data, unless he has a TeamDrive installation elsewhere.