Release Notes - Version 1.0

Key features and changes

This is the initial release of the Web Portal.

Change Log - Version 1.0

1.0.7 (2016-11-10)

  • Increased MinimumAgentVersion to to support email notifications
  • Fixed docker configuration
  • Fixed apache 2.4 configuration

1.0.6 (2016-07-11)


Updating the Host Server on CentOS 7 with “yum update” might update the apache to a newer version. This update could re-install the deleted “conf”-files in the folder /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/ and will prevent starting the apache. Please follow the modified instruction to disable all modules in the “conf”-files instead of deleting them as described in Apache 2.4 (CentOS 7)

  • Improved Docker installation documentation (WEBCLIENT-219, WEBCLIENT-223).

  • The Web Portal now checks if the user is authorised to access a Web Portal. A user is authorised to access a Web Portal if the Provider setting: ALLOW_WEB_PORTAL_ACCESS is set to permit or ALLOW_WEB_PORTAL_ACCESS is set to peruser and the user’s “Web Portal Access” capability bit is set (a user-level setting).

    When using external authentication, the same check is done if the Registration Server is version 3.6 or later. When using a Registration Server 3.5 or earlier, the Web Portal will not check the user’s Web Portal access permissions (in the case of external authentication).

  • Added setting AllowedProviders which is a list of Provider codes of the users that are allowed to login to the Web Portal.

    An input field on the setup page allows this variable to set during installation of the Web Portal.

  • The URL is now the target URL for external Authentication Services acting on behalf of the Web Portal.

    In other words, in successful authorisation by an external Authentication Service, the user is redirected back to this page.

    The Web Portal will may add certain arguments to AuthLoginPageURL and RegisterURL pages:

    • “portal=true”: This argument is always added to the URL. This is useful, in the case when the same Authentication Service is called by the TeamDrive Client and the Web Portal. The argument can be used to determine whether to redirect on successful login or not.
    • “cookie=?”: This argument will be added if the Authentication Service provided a cookie after the last successful login. The cookie is stored by the TeamDrive Agent.
    • “error=?”: This argument indicates that the Web Portal encountered an error after successful authorisation by the Authentication Service. It is a base-64 (URL) encoded string containing the error message. The error should be displayed in the login page served by the Authentication Service.
  • Support CentOS 7 with Apache 2.4

  • Increased MinimumAgentVersion to to support the space activities

  • Added setting RegistrationEnabled (default False). This value must be set to True to allow registration of users directly via the Web Portal.

  • Added login and registration pages: All of these pages redirect to the associated pages on the Registration Server. After login, or registration, the Registration Server redirects back to the Web Portal.

    • This page allows users to login using two-factor authentication, if this has been configured. /portal/login.html is now the default for the AuthLoginPageURL setting.
    • Using this page a user can register as a TeamDrive user without installing the TeamDrive Client. After registration the user has access to the Web Portal. /portal/register.html is now the default for the RegisterURL setting.
    • This page sends a temporary password to the user and allows the user to login and set a new password. The page is linked from /portal/login.html.
    • Using this page the user can configure two-factor authentication using the Google Authenticator App.
    • The default of the ``AuthTokenVerifyURL` setting is now:

1.0.5 (2016-02-16)

  • Fixed a problem on login with a user registered via the Registration Server API using email address as identification (WEBCLIENT-205).
  • Use the -v option when removing containers. This ensures that the container volume is also removed (WEBCLIENT-204).

1.0.4 (2016-02-09)

  • Framework synced with Host- and Reg-Server

1.0.3 (2016-02-02)

  • Added setting MinimumAgentVersion which specifies the minimum version of the TeamDrive Agent that will work with the Web Portal. Upgrade to this version of the Agent is forced as soon as the new version of the Web Portal is online (WEBCLIENT-194).
  • Updated documentation for Docker version 1.7.1
  • Fixed Internet explorer caches API calls. (WEBCLIENT-186)
  • Added description about the dependencies between Webportal, Provider and Reg-Server and normal and external Authentication. (WEBCLIENT-176)
  • The performExternalAuthentication redirects to http:// instead of https://. (WEBCLIENT-182)
  • The getLoginInformation() API call now returns “registerUrl” if the setting RegistrationURL, is set on the Web Portal. (WEBCLIENT-179)
  • Redirect to the login page when a request to an agent returns a 503 code. This requires a manual update to the ssl.conf, refer to the documentation on server installation and configuration. (WEBCLIENT-198)

1.0.2 (2015-12-07)

  • Fixed container language settings so that Spaces with non-ascii characters in the name now work.

  • Corrected redirect to external login pages under certain circumstances.

  • Login with an email address now works.

  • The Portal no longer creates containers based on the case of the input username, instead the actual username is used. This prevents the creation of duplicate containers for the same user.

  • The Web Portal session will now timeout after 15 minutes idle time. The user is then required to login again.

  • Implemented reset password functionality. Login after password has been forgotten now works. The user will receive a temporary password via email which is used to set a new password and login.

  • Note, new re-write must be added to /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf`:

    RewriteRule ^/requestResetPassword /yvva/requestResetPassword [PT]
    RewriteRule ^/tempPasswordLogin /yvva/tempPasswordLogin [PT]
  • Fixed loading of favicon

1.0.1 (2015-10-27)

  • OldImageRemovalTime setting was not visible.
  • Updated Web Portal GUI to the latest 4.1.x version from the webfrontend branch.

1.0 (2015-10-08)

  • Initial public release
  • Web Portal 1.0 requires TeamDrive Agent version or later.