Release Notes - Version 3.7

Key features and changes

The Host Server 3.7 requires the YVVA runtime version 1.4.0 or later.

Host Server Functionality

  • The Host Server supports Point-in-Time recovery. Using this functionality the TeamDrive Client is able to rollback a Space to a previous point in time. See details in chapter Snapshot Backup and Point-in-Time Recovery.

  • Added “Outgoing Connection” settings: UseProxy, ProxyHost, NoProxyList, ConnectionTimeout and NetworkTimeout (see Outgoing Connections) (HOSTSERVER-676).

  • Added support for Read Notifications. Read Notifications are disabled by default for all Spaces. This feature must be explicitly enabled for a Space by the TeamDrive Client.

    The setting DefaultReadNotificationtMaxAge determines the maximum age of read notifications, if this value has not been explicitly set at the Space level settings (HOSTSERVER-681).

Administration Console

  • Snapshot relevant parameters can be set per Space. Changes are recorded in the change history of the Space.

  • Read Notification settings can be set per Space. Changes are recorded in the change history of the Space.

  • Added the list of background tasks (“Auto Tasks”) to the Admin Console. The list indicates when a task last ran and the result. Clicking on a task allows the user to Activate or Deactivate tasks (HOSTSERVER-697).

    This page also shows the status of the Host Server services: td-hostserver, s3d and tshs (if active). The command used to determine the status is:

    service td-hostserver/s3d/tshs status

    If this system is not correctly installed an error will be displayed.


Change Log - Version 3.7

3.7.2 (2017-08-14)

  • The TPD v3 call “restsnap” will now delete all meta data created for the Space after the last modify time of the snapshot (HOSTSERVER-708).
  • Fixed a database deadlock in TDP v3 call “addmeta” (HOSTSERVER-707).
  • Moved EnableProxyCaching to “Client Settings” (HOSTSERVER-706).
  • A space change history entry is now made when a Space is deleted (HOSTSERVER-705).

3.7.1 (2017-06-20)

  • Initial 3.7 public release.
  • Fixed a bug which caused an error when moving a Space from one depot to another using the Admin Console (HOSTSERVER-680).
  • When accumulating traffic, the process now checks the access time to ensure that traffic is only accumulated for the current month. This fixes the problem that the Object Store log processing can generate traffic changes that occurred in the previous month (HOSTSERVER-702).