Web Portal Settings

This chapter lists and describes the available configuration options for the TeamDrive Web Portal.

You can review and modify most of these via the TeamDrive Web Portal Admin Console by clicking Settings. Some settings are marked as read-only (“R/O”), they can not be changed.

The settings are grouped into sections:

Admin Console


Set this value to True to enable External Authentication. See Administrator Login using External Authentication for details.


This is the URL that is used by the Web Portal to verify the login of an Administrator, when using External Authentication. See Administrator Login using External Authentication for details.


This is the default language used by the Web Portal Admin Console.


Set to True to enable two-factor authentication for Superusers.

Note that this setting only applies to the user of the Web Portal Admin Console. The setting has nothing to do with the use of two-facter authentication used by the users of the portal. This is described in the section: How to Enable Two-Factor Authentication.



A list of IPs which are allowed to access the API of the Web Portal.


To detect “man in the middle” attacks when sending API requests to the Web Portal, a random “salt value” is generated during the initial installation. The sender must add this salt value to his request before calculating the MD5 hash value of the API request content which will be sent to the Web Portal.

The checksum will be included in the URL, so that the Web Portal can check if the content was modified during the transport.

This setting is read-only and can not be changed via the Admin web interface.



This is URL of the login page which is used to login using the external Authentication Service. See Configuring Active Directory / LDAP Authentication Services for details.

When AuthServiceEnabled is True, the Web Portal login page: https://webportal.yourdomain.com/portal/login.html, redirects to the page specified by this setting.

If AuthServiceEnabled is True, but this setting has no value, then the Portal Login page provided by the Registration Server (version 3.6 or later) is used by default.

The Registration Server Portal Login page also allows the use of Two-factor authentication using the Google Authentication App. In this case, Two-factor authentication can be setup using the page: https://webportal.yourdomain.com/portal/setup-2fa.html, which redirects to the web-page that provides this service on the Registration Server.

The Registration Server Portal pages are customisable using the templates provided. Details are available in the Registration Server documentation.


Set this value to True to enable an Authentication Service for the TeamDrive users. This means that the users that access the Web Portal are required to login using an external login page. See Configuring Active Directory / LDAP Authentication Services for details.

When RegistrationEnabled is set to True, you must ensure that AuthLoginPageURL (see AuthLoginPageURL) is set correctly.

In order to permit user registration via an Authentication Service you must also set RegistrationEnabled to True (see RegistrationEnabled). In this case, you must also set RegistrationURL (see RegistrationURL) correctly.


This URL is used to verify the token returned by the Authentication Service after success login by a TeamDrive user. See Configuring Active Directory / LDAP Authentication Services for details.

BY default, this setting is set to the Web Portal verification URL: https://webportal.yourdomain.com/portal/verify.html


This URL will be displayed for a user, if LicenseProfessionalRequired is set and the user has no professional license.


Login at the Web Portal requires a professional license for the user.


This setting determines whether the Web Portal uses the embedded, or non-embedded form of external login / registration.

External authentication can be embedded in the TeamDrive Web GUI, or can the external authentication pages can be used directly. Set UseEmbeddedLogin to True in order to use the embedded login form.

By default, UseEmbeddedLogin is set to False if you upgrade from a previous version of the Web Portal that was using external authentication, otherwise, the default is True.

Accessing the Web Portal domain, for example: https://webportal.yourdomain.com, will automatically present the login in the embedded or non-embedded form, as specified by UseEmbeddedLogin.

You can now use “explicit” links to the login page in order to set the default provider code and language, for the login or registration.

For the non-embedded login form use the following explicit link:


and for the embedded login form use the following explicit link:


where CODE is the provider code, and LG is the language code, for example en or de.

Note that the external authentication service must be able to handle the specified provider code and language.

Docker Settings


This is the name of the image that must be used when creating a new container. See Upgrading the Docker Container Image for details.

Note that if the MinimumAgentVersion specifies a TeamDrive agent version that is higher than the version of the Agent specified by ContainerImage, then the container image used will be determined by MinimumAgentVersion.


This is the absolute path that reference the directory in which all containers will create the user data.


This is the time, in minutes, that a container must be idle before its storage is removed. Zero means that the container storage is never deleted. See Upgrading the Docker Container Image for details.


The version of the installed GUI package. The update process will retrieve or build a new Docker container (see update process for details). The GUI package will be extracted from this container and the HTML pages, images and javascript code will be located in the apache document root. The GUI version should be identical to the ContainerImage version.


This is the host name and port of the Docker daemon which runs the containers. See Installing Docker for details.


This is the time, in seconds, that a container must be idle before it is removed. Zero means that containers are never removed. See Upgrading the Docker Container Image for details.


A minimum value in GB for the available Docker data space on the storage (see https://docs.docker.com/storage/storagedriver/overlayfs-driver/) If the minimum value is reached, no more Docker container for new users will be created. Set to 0 to disable checking the available Docker data space.


A minimum value in GB for the available Docker meta data space on the storage (see https://docs.docker.com/storage/storagedriver/overlayfs-driver/) If the minimum value is reached, no more Docker container for new users will be created. Set to 0 to disable checking the available Docker meta data space.


This setting is specifies the minimum TeamDrive Agent version that is required by the Web Portal. The setting may not be modified. If The current image used by containers has a Agent version that is earlier than MinimumAgentVersion, then upgrade of the containers will be forced by the Web Portal. This means that users may experience a spontaneous logout.

Following upgrade, ContainerImage will be set to the required image.


A parameter to limit the currently active users. Set to 0 to disable the limitation.


Use this setting to specify when containers with old images should be removed. You can set it to “now”, to remove the containers immediately, if set to “never”, then containers are only removed if the OldImageTimeout is exceeded. This value can also be set to a time (e.g. 03:00, format: hh:mm), or a date (format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm). Note, if RemoveOldImages is False, this setting is ignored. See Upgrading the Docker Container Image for details.


This is the time, in seconds, that a container with an old image must be idle before it is removed. Zero means the container is removed, even if it is running. Note, if RemoveOldImages is False, this setting is ignored. See Upgrading the Docker Container Image for details.


Set to True if containers running an old image (i.e. not equal to ContainerImage) should be removed. See Upgrading the Docker Container Image for details.

Email Settings


Specify the domain of the origin host, for emails sent by the server. See Enabling Two-Factor Authentication for Administrators for details.


Timeout in seconds, when sending an email. See Enabling Two-Factor Authentication for Administrators for details.


This is the email address that will appear in the Reply-To header of the email, and will be used by the email client if the user attempts to reply to emails sent by the Web Portal. See Enabling Two-Factor Authentication for Administrators for details.


The email address of the sender. This address is not directly visible to the email receiver. If an email bounces, a message will be sent to this address. See Enabling Two-Factor Authentication for Administrators for details.


A hash of the email settings that need to be confirmed before saving. See Enabling Two-Factor Authentication for Administrators for details.


Domain name (and port) of the SMTP server used to send emails. See Enabling Two-Factor Authentication for Administrators for details.

General Settings


This is a list of Provider codes of the users that may login to the Portal. If empty, any user may login to the Portal.


Changes to the list will not be recognized by running container instances. You have to stop all running instances manually.


Set to True if the Web Portal Admin Console must be accessed using HTTPS.


This setting determines the maximum number of records that may be retrieved from the database at any time. This parameter may only be changed by a Superuser.


This is the Registration Server API salt. It is required to authorise access to the Registration Server’s API. See Activating the Web Portal for details.

Before you can change``RegAPIChecksumSalt`` you may have to set RegServerHost to blank (the empty string), if it references a server that does not math the new RegAPIChecksumSalt value.

After changing RegAPIChecksumSalt you can then set RegServerHost correctly.


Set to True in order to allow users to register directly From the Web Portal. By default this value is set to False.

The setting RegistrationURL (see RegistrationURL) specifies the URL that provides the registration page.

When RegistrationEnabled is set to True there are 2 possibilities, depending on whether AuthServiceEnabled (AuthServiceEnabled) is set to True or False.

If AuthServiceEnabled is True, then registration uses the external Authentication Service mechanism which results in the user being logged-in, immediately after registration.

When AuthServiceEnabled is True, it is possible to use the customisable registration page provided by the Registration Server (version 3.6 or later). In this case ``RegistrationURL``must not be set (see RegistrationURL) .

If AuthServiceEnabled is False, then the TeamDrive Agent Web-GUI provides a “Register Now” button which references this page specified by RegistrationURL, in the login dialog.

In this case, the page referenced by RegistrationURL is a custom developed web-page which performs registration using the Registration Server API and then redirects to the Web Portal login page: https://webportal.yourdomain.com/portal/login.html.


This URL references a Web-page where a user can register as a TeamDrive user. Alternatively, if an external Authentication Service is being used this page allows users to register with this service.

This page will only be used of RegistrationEnabled is set to True.

The Web Portal register page: https://webportal.yourdomain.com/portal/register.html, automatically redirects to the page.

If RegistrationEnabled is True, but this setting has no value, then the Portal Registration page provided by the Registration Server (version 3.6 or later) is used by default. In this case, AuthServiceEnabled (see AuthServiceEnabled) must be set to True.

If RegistrationEnabled is True and AuthServiceEnabled is False then this setting must reference a custom developed web-page which performs registration using the Registration Server API and then redirects to the Web Portal login page: https://webportal.yourdomain.com/portal/login.html.


This is the domain name of the Registration Server. See Activating the Web Portal for details.

Before you can set RegServerHost you may have to set RegAPIChecksumSalt to blank (the empty string) if the current value of RegAPIChecksumSalt does not match the Registration Server.

After changing RegServerHost you can then set RegAPIChecksumSalt correctly. This is necessary because the Web Portal will attempt to verify the Registration Server connection and will fail if RegAPIChecksumSalt is set to an incorrect value.


The installation directory of the Web Portal application.


This is the idle time in seconds after which you are required to login to the Web Portal Admin Console again.


This is the domain name (or URL) of this service.


This name of this service. The name is displayed in the Web Portal Admin Console. The default value is the domain name of the service. The name is used for display purposes only, and may be set to any value.

Outgoing Connections


Set this value to True in order to enable the use of a proxy for all outgoing connections of the Web Portal, and the TeamDrive Agent running in the Docker environment.


This is the domain name (or IP address) and port number of the proxy to be used for outgoing connections. If not set, the UseProxy setting will be ignored.

Note that this setting is used for both HTTP and HTTPS connections.


This is a comma separated list of domains and IP addresses that are to be contacted without the use of a proxy.


The timeout in milliseconds when making outbound connections. The default is 30 seconds.

White Label

The White Label settings are used to build a custom Docker Container image for use with the Web Portal.


Set to True in order to build a White Label Docker image for use with the Web Portal.


This URL is used to download the TeamDrive Agent archive (.tar.gz file).

By default the URL refers to the TeamDrive download portal:


Before usage, the following substitutions are made:

  • {PRODUCTNAME} is set to WhiteLabelProductName, after converting to all lowercase letters.
  • {PROVIDERCODE} is set to the value of the WhiteLabelProviderCode setting.
  • {VERSION} is set to the version of the Agent being built.
  • {VERSIONSHORT} a short version of the version number of the archive, which does not include the “patch” number. Version numbers have the form: <major>.<minor>.<patch>.<build>

If you have your own download portal, you can remove the placeholders as required.

If the required TeamDrive Agent archive is found in the build folder (WhiteLabelDockerBuildFolder) the Web Portal will not attempt to download the archive.


WhiteLabelBinaryName is the name of TeamDrive Agent binary executable which is started when launching a Docker container. The executable is included in the Agent archive (.tar.gz file).

By default, this value is “teamdrived.bin”.


This is the contents of the signed White Label DISTRIBUTOR file. This value replaces the contents of the DISTRIBUTOR file included in the Agent archive.

By default this value is empty, which means that the DISTRIBUTOR file in the Agent archive is used.

Please notice, that only signed DISTRIBUTOR files will be accepted. The signature will be checked during the creation of the docker image and at each start of the agent.

Own settings should be set using WhiteLabelINIFileSettings.

The default contents for the TeamDrive Agent are as follows:




Additional client settings which will be written to the /etc/teamdrive.ini file during the creation of the docker image.


This is the folder in the filesystem where the files are created during the Docker image build process.

If the Agent archive cannot be downloaded then it may be copied manually to this directory before the build is initiated (see Installing the TeamDrive Agent Docker Image).

The DISTRIBTOR file and the Dockerfile used to build the Docker image are created in this directory. Since these files are not deleted you can check the contents after the build is completed.


The contents of the Dockerfile used by docker to build a new TeamDrive Agent image, as described in the Docker documentation: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/.

A number of replacements are performed before the file is used:

  • @AGENTARCHIVE@ is set to the last component of the WhiteLabelAgentDownloadURL setting.
  • @BINARYNAME@ is set to the value of the WhiteLabelBinaryName setting.
  • @IDLETIMEOUT@ is set to the value of the WhiteLabelIdleTimeout setting.
  • @PRODUCTNAME@ is set to WhiteLabelProductName, after converting to all lowercase letters.

After substitution, the Web Portal uses the value of WhiteLabelImageBuildCmd to call docker to create the image.


This must be set to the path to the Apache documents folder. By default, the value is “/var/www/”. There is no need to change this setting if you are running the Web Portal on CentOS 6 or CentOS 7.


The path to the Apache folder for configuration files, “/etc/httpd/conf.d/” by default. There is no need to change this setting if you are running the Web Portal on CentOS 6 or CentOS 7.


This is a timeout value in seconds that determines when the TeamDrive Agent running in a container will automatically shutdown, stopping the container. The default value is 15 minutes.

Since this value is hardcoded in when the Docker image is build, changing this take effect after building and a new custom Docker image.


This is a shell command which calls the docker executable to build a new Docker image. The only reason to change this setting is to determine the “docker” executable to be used by specifying the path of the executable.

Before usage, the following substitutions are made:

  • {BUILDFOLDER} is set to the value of the WhiteLabelDockerBuildFolder setting.
  • {PRODUCTNAME} is set to WhiteLabelProductName, after converting to all lowercase letters.
  • {PROVIDERCODE} is set to the value of the WhiteLabelProviderCode setting.
  • {VERSION} is set to the version of the Agent being built.


This is a shell command calls the wget executable to download the TeamDrive Agent archive. Additional arguments (e.g. -O, -e and the download URL) will be added to this command as required.

The only reason to change this setting is to determine the “wget” executable to be used by add a path, or to specify a different location for the log file.

Before usage, {BUILDFOLDER} is set to the value of the WhiteLabelDockerBuildFolder setting.

If the wget call fails, check the “wget-log” log file for details.


This is your White Label 4 letter Provider code. By default, the Provide code is “TMDR”.


Your White Label linux Product name. The default Product name is “teamdrive”.

Note that the Product name is required to be all lowercase letters.

This value is the first part of the name of the Agent archive (.tar.gz file) which contains the binary of the TeamDrive Agent, as specified by the last component of the WhiteLabelAgentDownloadURL setting, for example: “teamdrive_agent_4.5.5.1838_el7.x86_64.tar.gz”.

When the Agent archive is unpacked, the Web Portal assumes that the top-level directory is the same as the value of this setting. In addition, when upgrading, the Web Portal will create a Docker image with a name of the form:


The Web Portal also uses the image name to search the Docker hub before building a custom image.