Installing the Web Portal Components

Enable the TeamDrive Web Portal yum Repository

The TeamDrive Web Portal components are available in the form of RPM packages, hosted in a dedicated yum repository. This makes the installation and applying of future updates of the software very easy — you can simply run yum update to keep your Web Portal software up to date.

To enable the repository, you need to download the td-webportal.repo file and place it into the directory /etc/yum.repos.d/, e.g. by using wget:

[root@webportal ~]# wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/td-webportal.repo \

This will enable the “TeamDrive Web Portal Version 1.0.9” repository, which you can check by running yum repolist afterwards:

[root@webportal ~]# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: security
repo id                            repo name                                   status
td-webportal-1.0.9/7/x86_64          TeamDrive Web Portal Version 1.0.9               11
base/7/x86_64                      CentOS-7 - Base                             9,363
extras/7/x86_64                    CentOS-7 - Extras                             263
updates/7/x86_64                   CentOS-7 - Updates                            807
repolist: 10,821

Download and Install the TeamDrive Web Portal Package


In case of using a white label version of TeamDrive with own customized UI’s, colors and logo, please step over to the next chapter Download and Install a white label Web Portal Package. Otherwise proceed with the standard installation in this chapter and skip the following chapter.

Perform the download and installation of the Web Portal installation RPM package using the yum package manager:

[root@webportal ~]# yum install td-webportal-clientui

The TeamDrive Web Portal Client UI depends on the TeamDrive Web Portal and the Yvva Runtime Environment version 1.3 or later to be installed and configured beside other required software components like the Apache Web-Server and Apache SSL module. They will be installed by yum as a dependency on td-webportal-clientui automatically.

Once the TeamDrive Web Portal software has been installed successfully, you can proceed with the initial configuration.

Download and Install a white label Web Portal Package

Request your white label tar archive for the white label Web Portal package. It includes:

  • Your white label Web GUI Web Portal RPM
  • Your white label TeamDrive Agent tar archive
  • Your DISTRIBUTOR file
  • script for creating the docker container
  • configuration file for the container creation

Extract the tar using the command:

[root@webportal ~]# tar -xvf <tar-achiv-name>

and install the Web GUI RPM using the command (replace <white-label-name> and <build-id> with the values in your webgui-portal-*.rpm):

[root@webportal ~]# rpm -ivh webgui-portal-<white-label-name>-<build-id>.rpm

Proceed with the next steps in this documentation. The usage of the other files will be explained later in the Docker installation chapter.

Installing the Web Portal HTML Documentation (optional)

The documentation for the Web Portal (in HTML format) can be installed locally, so you can access it directly from the Web Portal (or any other host running an Apache HTTP Server).

To install the HTML Documentation, install the following package via yum from the “TeamDrive Web Portal” repository:

[root@webportal ~]# yum install td-webportal-doc-html

The HTML documents will be installed in directory /var/www/html/td-webportal-doc. From your web browser, open the following URL to access the documentation:


This step is optional. If you leave the documentation installed when the Web Portal goes into production and is accessible from the public Internet, you should ensure to restrict access to this URL to trusted hosts or networks only. This can be achieved by adding the appropriate access control rules to the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/td-webportal-doc.httpd.conf.