Starting and stopping the TeamDrive Registration Server components

You can now start the Apache http Server and the PBAC background processes to make the TeamDrive Registration Server available for TeamDrive Clients to connect.

The following services need to be up and running for the Registration Server to function:

  • mysqld — the MySQL database server (local or on a remote server)
  • httpd — the Apache http Server
  • php-fpm — the PHP FastCGI Process Manager
  • teamdrive — the PBAC based background processes
  • postfix — the Postfix SMTP server (optional, other MTAs like sendmail or qmail or MTAs on remote servers can be used as well)

To ensure a proper service start and to minimize error messages on the TeamDrive Client side, the following startup sequence of the TeamDrive Registration Server components and services should be observed.

Start the TeamDrive Registration Server services in the following order:

  1. Start the Registration Server MySQL databases service
  2. Start the SMTP service (or make sure it’s available/accessible)
  3. Start the teamdrive background service
  4. Start the Apache http Server

For testing purposes, you can start these services manually, using the service command. In a production environment, these services should be started automatically at boot time, by enabling them via the chkconfig tool.

Starting services manually

You can use the service command to start services manually:

[root@regserver ~]# service mysqld start
[root@regserver ~]# service teamdrive start
[root@regserver ~]# service php-fpm start
[root@regserver ~]# service httpd start

Stopping services manually

Similarly, you can use service to stop the services manually:

[root@regserver ~]# service httpd stop
[root@regserver ~]# service php-fpm stop
[root@regserver ~]# service teamdrive stop
[root@regserver ~]# service mysqld stop

Enabling Service Autostart

Once the TeamDrive Registration Server setup is done, the MySQL server, Apache http Server, PHP FastCGI process manager and and pbac need to be configured to automatically start at system boot.

Use the command chkconfig to enable the automatic start for these processes:

[root@regserver ~]# chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on
[root@regserver ~]# chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on
[root@regserver ~]# chkconfig --levels 235 php-fpm on
[root@regserver ~]# chkconfig --levels 235 teamdrive on

Logging into the Administration Console

Once all services are up and running, you can start a TeamDrive Client and register a user account by providing your provider code.

To proceed with the fine-tuning and configuration of the Registration Server, log into the Admin Console by pointing your browser to the following URL:

Enter the login name and password you defined in the <distributor> section of RegServerSetup.xml.

See the TeamDrive Registration Server Reference and Administration Guides for further details on the configuration and customization of the Registration Server and the TeamDrive Clients connecting to your Server.