Release Notes - Version 3.7

Key features and changes

The Host Server 3.7 requires the YVVA runtime version 1.4.0 or later.

Host Server Functionality

  • The Host Server supports Point-in-Time recovery. Using this functionality the TeamDrive Client is able to rollback a Space to a previous point in time. See details in chapter Snapshot Backup and Point-in-Time Recovery.

  • Added “Outgoing Connection” settings: UseProxy, ProxyHost, NoProxyList, ConnectionTimeout and NetworkTimeout (see Outgoing Connections) (HOSTSERVER-676).

  • Added support for Read Notifications. Read Notifications are disabled by default for all Spaces. This feature must be explicitly enabled for a Space by the TeamDrive Client.

    The setting DefaultReadNotificationtMaxAge determines the maximum age of read notifications, if this value has not been explicitly set at the Space level settings (HOSTSERVER-681).

Administration Console


Please clear the browser cache after the server update.

  • Snapshot relevant parameters can be set per Space. Changes are recorded in the change history of the Space.

  • Read Notification settings can be set per Space. Changes are recorded in the change history of the Space.

  • Added the list of background tasks (“Auto Tasks”) to the Admin Console. The list indicates when a task last ran and the result. Clicking on a task allows the user to Activate or Deactivate tasks (HOSTSERVER-697).

    This page also shows the status of the Host Server services: td-hostserver, s3d and tshs (if active). The command used to determine the status is:

    service td-hostserver/s3d/tshs status

    If this system is not correctly installed an error will be displayed.


Change Log - Version 3.7

3.7.10 (2020-05-15)

A number of changes have been made to prevent the publishing of a web-site using the publish file functionality (HOSTSERVER-770). This includes:

  • Added the EnableDirectLink setting which makes it possible to disable the direct link feature (dl=1).
  • Added the ForceDownloadList setting: This a list of content types and file endings that force a download in place of displaying the file in the browser.
  • Added the PublicRewritesInstalled setting which indicates that certain re-write rules have been added to the Host Server, which allow the TeamDrive client to generate public URLs that vary in the first component depending on the space (see PublicRewritesInstalled).

3.7.9 (2019-07-19)

  • The S3 server name (setting S3Server) may now be specified as a URL, not just a domain. This allows you to set the protocol to HTTPS, and specify an alternative port (HOSTSERVER-767).

    If a protocol is specified in the URL, then the this overrides the value of the S3RedirectProtocol setting.

  • Fixed the setting S3RedirectProtocol, which was ignored by the Host Server apache module (mod_pspace).

3.7.8 (2019-03-29)

  • S3Daemon: Set CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL in order to prevent crash which occurs when libcurl recieves a signal due to a timeout in domain lookup
  • Set yvva dependency to 1.4.6

3.7.7 (2019-02-26)

  • A unique index has been added to the the Owner.UserName field where it was missing (HOSTSERVER-763).
  • If HttpsUsedByPublish is set to True, the Host Server will now return an error when trying to access a published file using HTTP (instead of HTTPS) (HOSTSERVER-762).
  • A error occurred when adding/removing a large number of users to/from a depot. This is due to field size limitations in the RepositoryChanges table. Excessively long user lists are now truncated, and the suffix: ”, ... and N others” is added (REGSERVER-1379).
  • The “getdepotdata” API call was incorrectly returning the “&nbsp;” HTML entity in the <changelist> details.
  • Fixed a bug when setting the owner of a repository, if the repository had no a history entry was not created.
  • Added timeouts for all S3 operations. The connection timeout is set to 2 minutes, and the timeout for the entire S3 operation is set to 30 minutes (HOSTSERVER-758). This is to prevent the background task from hanging in the request to get the S3 logs.
  • Returning data from encrypted files could hang in Tdp3File::send_file() if there was an error on the channel (HOSTSERVER-760).

3.7.6 (2018-10-22)

  • Fixed a bug in the calculation of Space disk usage when correcting spaces that have a negative disk usage. The bug resulted in a overflow error being thrown by the “Check Spaces with Limit” auto task (HOSTSERVER-757).
  • Fixed a bug when deleting an owner (user that has been deleted on the Registration Server): if the user was a user of a depot, then: either (1) the user was not removed or (2) a repository history entry was not inserted.

3.7.5 (2018-10-11)

  • Spaces marked as having a data retention period may not be deleted over the API (HOSTSERVER-751).

    These spaces must either be deleted using the TeamDrive client, or on the Host Server Admin Console. Depots containing spaces with a data retention period are also subject to this restriction.

  • Deleting a depot on the Admin Console will now delete all spaces in the depot.

  • Undeleting all spaces and restoring all spaces belonging to a depot is now possible. When a depot contains deleted spaces the button “Undeleted Spaces” and “Spaces Restored” appear in the Admin Console on the depot page. Note that if the depot has been deleted, then you must undelete the depot first (HOSTSERVER-726).

    An error will occur if you click “Spaces Restored”, and not all spaces in the depot have been copied back to an active volume on the host. In this case, the restore of some spaces may be complete while other remain deleted.

    As before, undeleted and restore are possible at the space level, however, this will not be allowed if the repository of the space has been deleted.

    NOTE! The Admin Console setting: ShowDeletedObjects must be set to true in order to see depots and spaces that have been deleted.

  • Added SpaceDeletionDelay (Resource Management) setting which specifies the time between a space being deleted and it actually being removed from disk (HOSTSERVER-727). During this time the space can be undeleted.

  • Added AllowedLoginIPList (Admin Console) setting which can be used to restrict login to the Admin Console to certain IP addresses (HOSTSERVER-723).

  • HTML templates can now be customised by setting a header and a footer HTML “snippet” (HOSTSERVER-729) at the depot level.

    Note that the placeholders [[HEADER]] and [[FOOTER]] have been added to the relevant HTML templates for this purpose.

    The global settings: DefaultTemplateFooter and DefaultTemplateHeader are used as default values if nothing is specified for a depot.

  • HTML template can use conditional sections (). This have the following form:




    where <placeholder> may be any valid placeholder: HEADER, FOOTER, FILE-NAME, ERROR-MESSAGE, ERROR-CODE and PUBLIC-URL.

    The IF sections are displayed if the specified placeholder is not empty and non-zero (in, the case if ERROR-CODE`). IFNOT sections are displayed if the placeholder value is empty or zero.

  • Operations that append to log files now return the log offset of the position after the block written (HOSTSERVER-740).

  • The Host Server now supports at rest encryption of public files.

    The new HTML template: “decryption-failed.html”, will be returned if the public URL does not contain a correct or valid decryption key.

  • The Host Server now supports “shorted URLs” for public files. A short URL may be requested before upload of a public file begins (HOSTSERVER-722).

    A new HTML template has been added: “upload-incomplete.html”. This template is returned if upload of a public file has been started, but is not yet complete. This is necessary because, in the case of large files, the TeamDrive Client may make the public URL available before the upload is complete.


    For short URL public files to work correctly, you must remove the action="..." attribute from the <form> tags, in the “enter-password.html” and “password-wrong.html” templates. The default templates have already been updated.

  • Published files are now encrypted at rest. The key must provided in the URL on upload and download (HOSTSERVER-732).

3.7.4 (2018-07-17)

  • Fixed crash in background task when a Registration Server was not available during synchronisation of owner data (HOSTSERVER-720).
  • The “getdepotdata” API call now returns a <flags> tag which may include the restrict-access flag value (see Retrieve Depot Information for details).
  • The “createdepot” API call no longer automatically creates a “contract number” for a depot which starts with “WEB#”.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the synchronisation of data with foreign Registration Server. The error in log was: “RROR -24903 (0): Authorization failed: device 99999 not found” (HOSTSERVER-725).
  • When moving spaces from one depot to another, then disk usage and traffic was not always recalculated correctly (HOSTSERVER-731).
  • Under certain circumstance published files that were part of a snapshot were not deleted after expiry, although access to the file was prevented (HOSTSERVER-733).
  • Under some circumstance the Host Server set the “Traffic limit exceeded” flag, even when the EnforceTrafficLimit setting was set to False (HOSTSERVER-735).
  • The Host Server now records the name of the user that made changes to a depot. Previously this information was not always available as it was placed in the comments. This function requires the use of Registration Server version 4.0 or later (HOSTSERVER-736).

3.7.3 (2017-11-01)

  • Improved the reporting and logging of connection errors that may occur when the Host Server contacts the Registration Server.

  • During Host Server Setup it is now possible to specify a proxy to use in order to contact the Registration Server. The NoProxyList setting must be specified after setup, if required.

  • Improved input checking on setup of the Host Server. The Registration Name may not contain in special characters. Domain Names may not contain any spaces, and must include at least one ‘.’ character (HOSTSERVER-715).

  • The Host Server will now prevent access to a Depot if all users are removed from the access list. Previously, Depots reverted to unrestricted access when the last user was removed from the access list.

    The Depot users in the access list are now displayed in the Admin Console. Only the Depot owner and users in this list are allowed to create Spaces in the Depot. However, users not in the list are not prevented from using existing Spaces in the Depot.

  • Deleting a Depot in the Admin Console now works the same as deleting a Depot via the API: the Depot is simply marked as deleted (HOSTSERVER-712).

    If the setting ShowDeletedObjects is False, then Depots marked as deleted will not be visible in the Depot list. However, such Depots can be reached by clicking on the Depot link in a Space belonging to the Depot.

    Note that deleting a Depot currently just prevents new Spaces from being created in the Depot. Existing Spaces are still accessable.

  • Moved index on SpaceID, MetaType from MetaData to MetaDataOptions table. This index was previously created on the wrong table (HOSTSERVER-716).

  • Added support for “If-Modified-Since” header. If sent, and BLOB data has not been modified since the specified time, the server will now send a “304 Not Modified” result. This is in order to support caching proxoies (HOSTSERVER-709).

  • Added NonCachingProxies setting. This is a list of the host names or pseudonyms of proxies that are downstream from the Host Server but do not cache any data (HOSTSERVER-711).

  • Version 3.7.3 requires YVVA runtime version 1.4.4.

3.7.2 (2017-08-14)

  • The TPD v3 call “restsnap” will now delete all meta data created for the Space after the last modify time of the snapshot (HOSTSERVER-708).
  • Fixed a database deadlock in TDP v3 call “addmeta” (HOSTSERVER-707).
  • Moved EnableProxyCaching to “Client Settings” (HOSTSERVER-706).
  • A space change history entry is now made when a Space is deleted (HOSTSERVER-705).

3.7.1 (2017-06-20)

  • Initial 3.7 public release.
  • Fixed a bug which caused an error when moving a Space from one depot to another using the Admin Console (HOSTSERVER-680).
  • When accumulating traffic, the process now checks the access time to ensure that traffic is only accumulated for the current month. This fixes the problem that the Object Store log processing can generate traffic changes that occurred in the previous month (HOSTSERVER-702).