Host Server Settings

This chapter lists and describes the available configuration options for the TeamDrive Host Server.

You can review and modify most of these via the TeamDrive Host Server Administration Console by clicking Settings. Some settings are marked as read-only (“R/O”), they can not be changed.

The settings are grouped in these sections:

Admin Console


Set to True if the Host Server Admin Console must be accessed using HTTPS.


This setting determines the maximum number of records that may be retrieved from the database at any a time (e.g. when displaying user or space information on the Administration Console. This parameter may only be changed by a Superuser.


This name is displayed in the top left of the Host Server Administration Console. Initially, is is set to the domain name of the Host Server. The name is used for display purposes only, and may be set to any value.


This is the idle time in seconds after which you are required to login to the Host Server Admin Console again.


Set to True to display Spaces and other objects in the Administration Console that have the Deleted status.

API Settings


A white list of IP addresses (separated by commas or spaces) of machines that are permitted to access the Host Server API. For example, the IP address of the host running the TeamDrive Registration Server Administration Console should be added here.


If set to True, then each call to the API must include a checksum hash, constructed using the API Hash defined in APISalt.


API Log entries older than this value, in days, will be removed. If set to zero the API Log entries will never be removed.


Set to True if API logging should be enabled. Every API access will be logged in the database table hostapilog.TD2APIRequests.


Set to True if Space names should be returned through the API. This requires the setting StoreSpaceNames to be set to True as well, otherwise this option has no effect.


This is a unique character sequence that must be identical to the API Salt of the associated Registration Server.



Set to True to enable External Authentication. External Authentication allows the administrative users of the Host Server to be mananged in a central location, such as an LDAP server.


This is the URL that is used by the Host Server to verify the login of a user, when using External Authentication. The Host Server adds two arguments when the URL is requested: username and password. The URL should reference a page that performs verification, and returns information about the user required by the Host Server. A generic example, and an LDAP example for performing External Authentication are provided with the Host Server distribution.


Set to True to enable 2-Factor Authentication via email for Superusers.

Client Settings


The interval in which Clients poll their Spaces for updates, in seconds. 0 or empty means the Clients will use their default.


Set to True if the TeanDrive Clients should use HTTPS to access the data stored in Spaces. By default this value is False because TLS (Transport Layer Security) is generally not required by TeamDrive as the data is end-to-end encrypted.


This is the threshold (in bytes) after which a the Client last.log is renamed to a number log.


The log threshold, in bytes, after which the Client will create a new snapshot of a Space, 0 or empty means the Client will use its default.


Multiple the ClientPollFrequency by this amount to determine the how often the client retrieves the statistics, 0 or empty means the client will use its default value of 5.


This is the maximum allowed difference in time between the Client and the Host Server. The value is given in seconds. Currently this setting only affects Clients using version 3 of the TeamDrive Protocol. Since the Client automatically synchronises its time with the server, the time difference should only be due to the time required to send a request from the Client to the Server.

Email Settings


This is the host name of the system that will send the email.


This is the email address that user will see as sender of the e-mail. And it is the email address that will be used if the user replies to the email. Normally a “no-reply” type email address is used, since the user is not intended to reply to email sent by the Hosting System.


This is the email address that will appear as sender in email envelope. If an email bounces, this address will be notified.


This is the timeout in seconds used when sending emails.

SMTPServerHost (R/O)

This is the host (and port) of the SMTP server used to send emails.

General Settings


This setting determined the HTTP content type downloaded encrypted Space data. This includes the log and file data that belongs to Spaces. It does not include downloaded public files, which use a content type that depends on the file type.

By default, this setting is empty. In this case, the content type used depends on the TeamDrive protocol version. The original TeamDrive protocol set the content to “text/plain” for encrypted log file data, and set no content type for encrypted file data.

The new TeamDrive protocol returns “application/octet-stream” by default. Whether the new protocol is used, defends on the client software. Please check the Client release notes in this regard.

There is normally no need to change this setting, unless a proxy or firewall is preventing the download of data. In this case, the following alternative values are recommended: “text/html”, “text/plain”, “application/x-binary” or “application/x-teamdrive”.


Do not set this value to “application/json”. This content type is reserved for internal use.


When set to False, the traffic quota for all Depots will be considered unlimited. The value is True by default.


This is the 4-digit code of provider (distributor/tenant) under which this this Host Server is registered. This is a read-only setting that cannot be modified after the initial server setup.


This is the ID returned by the Registration Server upon registration. It is the ID of the user under which the Host Server is registered. This setting cannot be changed.


The name of the Registration Server associated with this host. This value cannot be altered after registration.


This is the URL used to access the Registration Server. This value may not be altered after registration.


The current server version. This value cannot be changed.


This is the Host URL used by the clients to create and access Space data. It can not be changed.


This is a unique name of the Hosting Service, consisting of the Host Server’s domain name and the associated Registration Server. This value can not be changed.


Set to True if Space Statistics should be exported.


This is the path for the files containing the exported Space Statistics, default is: ../docs/p1a/statistic/.


Set to True if the Host Server should store the names of Spaces defined by the user.



The path and name of the Apache module (mod_pspace) log file. This file must be owned and writable by the system user the Apache HTTP Server runs under (e.g. apache).


This is the maximum level of logging of messages logged by the Apache module (mod_pspace). A higher number results in more verbose logging. Possible values are: 1 = Protocol, 2 = Error, 3 = Warning, 4 = Trace, 5 = Debug.

Object Store


A unique ID used to ensure that multiple Host Servers cannot use the same S3 bucket. This is a read-only setting that cannot be modified.


This setting is set to True until all S3 action tag files have been imported by the S3 Daemon, it has no effect when TSHS is enabled. It must be set manually to False when all action tag files have been imported.


This is the maximum age, in days, that a file normally transferred to the S3 object store by the S3 Daemon can be before it is automatically transferred. Normally files are transferred just after they have been written, but if for some reason the file is not transferred this will trigger the transfer. This setting should be long enough to guarantee that no file will be transferred that is still in the process of being uploaded.


The access (public) key, used to access the specified bucket on an S3-compatible object store.


Set this value to True if the S3 logs used for calculating traffic are to be archived instead of deleted.


The number of seconds an S3 authenticated query string is valid. Keeping this value high will improve the possibility for caching files in proxies. Reducing the value might cause traffic-limit problems if a proxy isn’t able to cache the file within the timeout period.


This setting specifies the type of S3 storage. Possible options are: Amazon or OpenStack.


The name of the Bucket on the S3-compatible object store that will contain the Space data


When S3 redirect is enabled, the Host Server will redirect the Client to download objects directly from the S3-compatible object store, when appropriate. The alternative is that all downloads are performed via the Host Server (the Host Server acts like a Proxy that fetches data from the object store and forwards it to the Client).


The bucket that contains the S3 access log files. These log files are used to analyse and calculate traffic.


S3 options control the way the S3-compatible object store is accessed. For example, the number of parallel threads during upload, whether to use multipart uploads, etc.


If S3ArchiveLogs is set to True, then the logs stored in S3ToProcessPath are moved to this path, after they have been used to calculate traffic.


The S3 secret (private) key used to acces the specified bucket on the S3-compatible object store.


This is the domain name of the S3-compatible object store, e.g.


Set to True when data stored by the Host Server (Space data) should be transferred to an S3 compatible cloud storage. Transfer to S3 is possible from both Volume storage and TSHS.


The path in which the S3 access logs are stored. The access logs are used to calculate traffic caused by direct downloads from S3 storage.



This is the default language used if the browser specifies an unknown language. This setting is only used when the user requests public files from the Hosting Service. The value is used to select the correct language template for interaction with the user. See Customizing html templates for published files for further details.


Set to True if published files must be uploaded and downloaded using HTTPS. This ensures that the file content cannot be intercepted in transit from the TeamDrive Client to the Host Server, and from the Host Server to the web client downloading the file.


The number of seconds a redirect URLs for published documents is valid.

TSHS Settings


Set to True to enable TSHS (TeamDrive Scalable Hosting Storage). If changed, a restart of the Apache HTTP Server required.


This is a reference to the tshs executable. This path must be set correctly if TSHS is enabled.


This setting is set automatically when TSHS is enabled. It is set to True if Space data is stored on the Host Server Volumes when TSHS is enabled. It must be set manually to False when all data has been transfered from the Host Volumes to TSHS.


This is a reference to the my.cnf file that is used by TSHS. The my.cnf file must contain a group called [tshs] which specifies the connection to the TSHS Admin MySQL database.